Tuesday, March 12, 2013

random thoughts

I haven't had much time lately between a Bruins double header that started last night and heading up to VT to ski last weekend.  By the way, don't get stuck in chest deep powder, it fucking sucks.

Anyway, some ideas:
 - Weapons dipped in potions of sleep have a chance of putting a non-sleep resistant monster to sleep on a hit.
 - Weapons dipped in potions of acid do some acid damage on a hit.
 - Weapons dipped in potions of paralyze have a chance of paralyzing a monster for a random, short duration on a hit.
 - I'm sure there are some other cases.

 - Lenses of Infravision
 - Sunglasses (Lenses of Shade?) that would protect against blinding light-based attacks, and maybe give you +1 charisma when worn because they are so cool.
 - Artifact lenses that give you some sort of gaze attack when invoked at the cost of some magic power.

 - Shields of fire, ice, acid, whatever, from sporkhack, have a chance of doing passive damage to a monster if the monster does not hit you and you get the message that you deflected the attack with your shield.

Soldier role:

Soldiers can reach expert in firearms, saber, and maybe skilled in long sword and a few other weapons.  They would start with a pistol, as well as typical soldier gear: low boots, leather gloves, saber, dented pot, leather armor, tin whistle, and a few K or C rations.

I can't think of a good first sacrifice gift.  I don't just want to make it a gun because you'll have plenty of opportunities to pick up a gun later.  Maybe a magic magazine, base item bag, that generates a random number of bullets when invoked... but then again, you also have plenty of opportunities to pick up bullets throughout the game.  Maybe a special gun, a Magnum, base item pistol, that does more damage than a pistol and has a chance of stunning and/or knocking back an opponent like a monk's stunning strike.

The quest artifact would be The Holy Hand Grenade, generated blessed (since it's Holy), and the base item is a stick of dynamite (it's already in the code, not randomly generated though, so you'd need to wish for one).  Instead of the long fuse sticks of dynamite have, an armed Holy Hand Grenade would detonate in 3 turns, "One... Two... Three..." or sometimes 5 turns, "One...Two... Five!  I mean Three!"  Detonation would not destroy the Holy Hand Grenade, i.e., it can be reused, however, monsters can throw it back at you, of course.

The Holy Hand Grenade would grant some intrinsics when carried, but I've yet to figure them out.  I thought maybe fire resistance, but then you could just arm it in your inventory and become a suicide bomber...so you'll have to find another source of fire resistance if you want to do that.  Maybe extrinsic telepathy and half physical damage, or drain resistance (since it's Holy?), or something along those lines.  I'm open to suggestions.

The quest nemesis would be The Killer Rabbit of Caerbanno, base monster would be a rabbit.  It would be fast, or maybe very fast.  Would have stoning resistance and maybe some other resistances, but not fire.  Maybe I'll give him an extra bite attack or two, or a slim chance (5%) of his attack causing instadeath.


  1. Quest Artifact's Cant Be Destroyed So Some Creative.. I'm Thinking Of Trying Out randomly generated town level's With Blackmarketters In the Streets

  2. You bring up a good point. My favorite role is rogue, and I wish there were more in the way of towns, malls, etc. Like maybe, a two where you can go into houses and steal stuff, but if you get caught, the Keystone Kops come... I don't know, I haven't spent much time thinking about it, but I'm picturing something like Hero's Quest (aka the first game in the old Quest for Glory series made by Sierra).

  3. I Changed The mkroom.c so Now Room's With elf's In Them Are generated randomly

  4. "Weapons dipped in potions of acid do some acid damage on a hit." - I know that NetHack is not real life, but this makes no to little sense. Acid is rather incompatible with weapons, it should destroy them - not improve attack.

    But other idea are quite interesting, though this effect probably should wear off after some time/amount of hits.

  5. That's a good point; I didn't think of that. Anything corrodible that's dipped in acid should corrode. Maybe acid, in general, shouldn't be included.

    For the others, the effect would wear off in the same manner as poison wears off weapons.

  6. Thanks for a good idea (https://github.com/Bulwersator/UnNetHackPlus/commit/0c6042da853a3f0f5e5a9ef38a75aa108a0320d4).

    PS I hate your CAPTCHA.

  7. I thought I turned the Captcha off.. it should be gone now.

  8. Sunglasses are a great idea. This would be a significant boon in the early game when you run into a lot of magic traps, only to get slaughtered by otherwise extremely avoidable Gnome Lords.

    > an armed Holy Hand Grenade would detonate in 3 turns, "One... Two... Three..." or sometimes 5 turns, "One...Two... Five! I mean Three!"

    I laughed so hard at this one. Perfectly captures the essence of NetHack. I dub thee heir to the Dev Team (may they rest in peace)

  9. One last touch on the HHoA... when a monster dies in the blast, rather than saying "foo is killed", it should say "foo snuffs it!"
